Indigenous Coffee & Cacao

Specialty beans organically grown in the high mountains of the
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.



Specialty coffee beans organically grown in the high mountains of the
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.



Sacredy Blessed Cacao...coming soon

High Mountains

- Grown between 3700 ft & 7000 ft elevation
- Cooler climate allows for slow growth leading to fully developed beans and profound flavor profiles

Micro Lots

Through a concise tracking system, we are able to showcase the exact location of the single origin coffee beans grown by individual family lots

Ancient Origin

Grown by indigenous descendants who utilize ancient methods of cultivation. Produced in old growth forests among many other varieties of plants.

Arhuaco Tribe

Indigenous communities have been the caretakers of the land for thousands of years. They hold the keys to restore nature back to its natural habitat, while producing an abundance of food and resources.


Indigenous methodology that goes far beyond modern agroforesty and permaculture

Origin Tours

Take a trip to the Heart of the planet to connect to ancient roots and meet the stewards of the sacred plants

Plant Trees

Regenerating nature in the Heart of the World

  • 30% Production / 70% Preservation

1 Tree


Coffee tree, cacao tree, & native species

sun nation

Interested in purchasing beans? Interested in origin tours? Reach out!

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... Coming Soon